Entry Level Jobs: How Staffing Agencies Can Help New Grads

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You’re finished with your studies, but now the real challenge begins: finding entry level jobs that allow you to apply that pricey degree. Many recent graduates stumble and have a harder time finding their dream job than they thought they would. According to Money magazine, it takes the average graduate from three to nine months to find a job after college. Depending on your field and the local economy, it can even take longer than that. However, if you’re seeking jobs for grads specifically, it’s helpful to go to a temp agency first. Temping can benefit your longer term job search in many different ways.


Find Entry Level Jobs 

One of the things that can stand between a recent grad and entry level jobs is experience. If you have never held a real job, your resume will look a little slim when compared to those with a longer history. Looking for temp jobs in your industry, even if they are not in your specific field, can help you get some job experience to fill in the gaps in your resume.

Plus, you’ll get experience relevant to the job you eventually want. No matter what field you are in, learning to juggle multiple tasks and learning on the fly can be of value. This is a skill that transfers. Just being in the workplace and getting used to the rhythms of a full-time job can prepare you for your permanent position and help the transition into that job go more smoothly.


Make Connections

The ironic reality of job hunting is that most jobs are never listed. No matter how much time you spend on job sites and classified ad pages, you’ll never see listings for some of the best positions. Instead, they are offered through internal channels; the average job-hunter will never find out about these openings because they’re filled through word of mouth. This can make it especially hard to identify jobs for grads.

However, when you start temping, you start meeting people. You will get a chance to show off your work ethic, your problem-solving skills and your people skills to potential employers. If the people who you work for and with see that you are an asset in the workplace, that will go a long way toward building trust.

Even if the company where you are temping is not hiring, you may come into contact with people who know businesses that are. These coworkers may hear about openings through the grapevine, which they will then pass on to you.

When you are temping, it’s vital to make an effort to get to know people and form relationships. These relationships can help you find out about all of those unadvertised positions that may just be perfect for you.

Wait for the Job You Really Want

If you have student loans, then you know that you only have six months before you need to start paying them back. Most grads don’t want to move back in with their parents for long. If your folks are helping with the costs of an apartment, you probably already know that they can’t do that forever. Because of this, getting a steady paycheck is a high priority.

For some people, the need to start earning money right away can lead them to take any job in their field, even if it does offer the work that they want, or the pay and benefits they need. Then, once they’ve taken a full-time job, they can be stuck. They may feel that it’ll look bad to jump ship too quickly or that they don’t have time to look for new jobs at all.

When you add temping to the mix, however, you are able to stretch your search for the perfect job as far as you need to. The paychecks will help you keep the lights on and your student loans up to date. And, the flexibility of temping means that you can carve out days for interviews when you need them.


It’s Easier to Find a Job When You Have a Job 

Job-hunting brings yet another apparent paradox: employers are far more likely to choose candidates who are currently employed than those who do not have jobs. According to a report on NPR, many employers say that they feel more comfortable hiring someone who is working. They say that these applicants look more responsible. They like the fact that this workers was an attractive hire for their current company.

When you list your current agency as your employer and share the skills you have been acquiring, you will find that you look a lot better than an applicant who has a huge gap after graduation.


Turn a Temp Position Permanent

In some cases temp positions are offered because an employer needs extra help dealing with a backlog of work. In others, the position is offered to temps because a current team member is on leave. The third reason for most temp positions is that a permanent employee has left and the boss wants to try out a few people in the position before filling it. Do well as a temp, and the job could be yours.

In some cases, employers who are impressed with a temp’s performance will go so far as to create a new position at the company for them. People who make their own way like that get to guide their careers in the direction they want from the start.

Working with temp agencies has a million upsides for recent grads who are just beginning to feel out the working world. At a temp job, you’ll learn about life in the office and get the information that will help you decide where you want to be later on in your career. If you are graduating soon or just got out of school, look up the temp agencies near you. It’s the perfect opportunity for recent grads to get their bearings in the workplace and jump start a successful career.


Additional Resources for Jobs for Grads


One of the better places to start is with LinkedIn. While not a traditional job site, it is one of the most valuable. You should carefully construct your profile for optimal results. If not, now is the time to build one and perfect it for the job search.


Indeed is one of the single largest sources of job postings online. Highly recommended it’s a job aggregator. This means it draws postings from company websites, other job listing sites, jobs posted in niche industry websites, jobs posted in online classifieds, and other places like TemPositions.com!


StartJobs offers a seamless user experience by using a unique algorithm. This allows users to find the perfect career fit within a certain radius.


After College
Their vision is to help every college student and recent graduate discover their career path. In their 15 year history, AfterCollege has become the largest career network for college students and recent graduates.


Grad Staff
GradStaff serves as a career matchmaker, helping companies find the ideal fit for open entry-level positions, while also helping recent college graduates discover how their transferable skills and abilities translate into the workforce.


College Recruiter
They help college, University students and recent grads find internships, entry-Level jobs, and careers.


Cool Works
Cool Works’ jobs for grads offers the chance to embark on experiences that enhance  the lives of others. This can change the way they interact with the world and connect them with amazing places they may want to live.

TemPositions’ Jobs For Grads





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